Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What Body Systems Are Affected By Malaria?

Photos-Comments-Workshop in May.

Realizamos un hermoso taller en lo de Contador Carlos Martinez , nos sorprendió la cantidad de plantas en flor que tenia.
Muy esperado este taller contó con numerosos participantes .
Ing. Boggiatto , made a brief overview of weather conditions SM Tucumán for the month of May, extending the theme of frost (type, frequency, intensity .......... ) and its implications for orchids. Then he elaborated on the theme of development of flowering - flower and fruit orchids. Both issues were never covered in the workshops of the group.
Following the Ing. Agr. Marcela Bobovnikov and Msc in Biology Florence Argañaraz , flip chart showed in a summary of II Symposium on Substrates, generating controversy and questions about some topics that workshop emphasized the condition of these important events of the ORQUIDIÓFILOS OF TUCUMÁN .
Then the homeowner made a theoretical-practical demonstration on cuts cut flower in the genus P sychopsis .
plant sales group members reached levels of significance.
Numerous specimens in flower, brought to share with these decked the workshop.
The " cumpleañitos " was very entertaining with plenty of food, so much leftover. As always served to socialize and consultation areas of interest between us


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