always be remembered as a great metal for his strong voice to interpret the themes. The singer of Heaven & Hell, which now bears the name of legendary Black Sabbath, had a life dedicated to music.
Proof of this is that memorable joined groups such as Elf, Rainbow and DIO. Since childhood, Ronald James Padavona, had a passion for music.
At the age of 12, he started traveling, singing and playing the trumpet in bands such as Red Caps and Ronnie and the Prophets.
In the sixties, the group Ronnie became The Elves, then rebautizaría as Elf, a band that was produced by two members of Deep Purple drummer Ian Paice and bassist Roger Glover, while guitarist Ritchie Blackmore decided to burn a disc entitled Elf "Ritchie Blackmore 's Rainbow".
So when separated from Deepm Blackmore Purple, Dio recruited his band called Rainbow, but remain short time, as a surprise awaits her fate.
vocalist Ronnie James entered Black Sabbath, replacing Ozzy Osbourne, who was in drug treatment for addiction to alcohol and drugs.
The new singer made changes: renewed hard rock seventies and moved closer to heavy metal. With Ronnie, Black Sabbath recorded "Heaven and Hell" (1980), "Mob Rules" (1981), the "Live Evil" (1982) and "Dehumanizer" (1992).
In 1982, He went solo where he won with hits like "Stand Up and Shout," "Rainbow in the Dark", "Don" t Talk to Strangers "," Holy Diver ".
But the memory of Black Sabbath was chasing him and so returned in 1992 to record the album "Dehumanizer" and 15 years later, in 2007, reunited with his former colleagues of the legendary band, but under the name "Heaven and Hell".
The new Black Sabbath made a tour of several countries in North America, Europe, Asia and even South America. However, was canceled in 2009 because He was diagnosed with a terrible stomach cancer. Source
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