Our Tany Diaz war correspondent interviewed directly from Venezuela ProskGod guys who run a
Experimental death metal and progressive.

Proskgod born around 2005 when Moreno and Eliezer Ner "Chino" Franco together to form a side project to the bands that were for the moment, this project would be known under the name Proskgod. It was then gradually, came together to assemble loose rhythms in spare moments. This continued until 2006 by Ner, Jorge Mendoza joins the trials and thus, the three begin to assemble the first Proskgod entire track, so far unpublished. For early 2007 had a lineup Proskgod composed by Jorge on guitar, bass and Ner in Chinese on drums, and 5 songs assembled, it is then when the need for a vocalist for the band, contact Simon Reaño Chinese, who had worked on another project Ner above, is how Simon auditioned and remains Proskgod vocalist. Once ready the alignment of 4, Simon wrote the lyrics for the songs and armed, writing under the premise that you want to convey the band, which would be the exposure and denunciation of all that corrupts and damages the lives of people but manifested a crude and direct way. Thus, it is the end of 2007 it produced its first DEMO Proskgod of independent origin, consisting of 4 songs: "Lost Existence," "exemplary father", "Leisure" and "Promiscuous" on par with this also Myspace opening of the band, to disseminate the work of Proskgod on the Web. Then, for the day March 25, 2008, the band has its first live performance in the Bar "The Locust" with a good reception from the audience. After mid-2008 Proskgod recorded their second demo, this time to study, featuring songs like "Lost Existence (part 1 and 2)," Superficial " "Droguito 'and as extras," Leisure "," exemplary father "and" Promiscuous ", all of DEMO 2007. By the end of 2008, the local television station "TV Caricuao" Proskgod gives the opportunity to make a television appearance on the same called "EP", dedicated to the band's move from the town of Caricuao, marking the first Proskgod appearance on television, then, the band has some shows in the capital city and then be forced to pause, because Jorge had to address certain issues outside the country. It is also for mid-2009, which again Proskgod pallets, after returning of their guitarist, with a series of concerts in Carora, Caracas and Los Valles del Tuy, with his first appearance on the radio with a small operation in a radio program called the "Circuit X" in the Valles del Tuy earlier this month August 2009. Finishing the year 2009, Proskgod takes part in the series of presentations called "Photorock" in which an audiovisual recording which will be reworked for its next use as promotional material for the band. Proskgod currently in the midst of a series of presentations in the city of Caracas, is working on the production of his first official album, completely self-managed, with a compilation of all work done so far and new material.
style How did you decide to run?
We have not decided on a specific style, we are not a band of a direct style and classic, but the mixture of several, and the choice of these influence the tastes of each band member. The musical core if you will say so, is the Death Metal.
does that address your songs and your target audiences?
In the songs, as briefly referred to in the biography, we raw, but constructive criticism on issues that we believe that adversely affect people's lives. As an example, superficiality, laziness, promiscuity, etc.
What are your musical influences?
basically listen to all members of all genres and subgenres of Metal, to name bands that we consider most important influence, I can cite a Cynic, Death, Meshuggah, Arch Enemy, dark, fear factory, Aghora, tool, textures , spiral architect, rush, saying, lamb of god, tourniquet, Becoming the Archetype, Mastodon, Necrophagist, animals as leaders, Exivious, periphery, bulb, tesseract, tourniquet and dream theater.
What ProskGod '
Proskgod is a cross between the Greek word "Proskuneo" and the English word "God." The first is broken down into "Pros" indicating direction or sense, and "Kune", which refers to Worship. By joining "Proske" with "God" gives meaning "To God", referring to it that all things are connected to God and depend on Him
How do the people's response to their music?
Well, we've been in different events at different sites and with different audiences and the truth so far has gone wrong, sometimes it is odd that a band concert end use of jazz progressions and changes to not so traditional rhythms in Metal, but Despite the acceptance has been good by many of those present at the events.
What influences does the band?
Speaking of influences in general, it would be a lot, but I think in short, we use the experiences we live and try to absorb the positive things in every situation.
How do you prepare for a concert? For concerts
rehearse a lot, but well, try to maintain a steady pace of trials auque no pending events.
"Which band have shared and how was the experience?
Well here in Caracas have participated in different events with bands of almost all styles, from heavy metal to black. Just outside the city, we shared the stage with local bands and regional experience has been excellent. In Caracas we have any dispute with any band out there but nothing to comment because it is a question rather indirect and not worth giving a taste of falling into that game.

Did that prepare material for sale when you can get and how you can contact the band?
Yes, the album is almost finished the first phase, mainly lack of mastering, mixing and playback of material physical. We have contacted and have contacted us several houses distribution and sales both inside and outside the country, so when the material is available we will know the different communication channels on the distribution of material.
To contact the band:
www.myspace.com / proskgod
www.facebook.com / proskgod
engaged do in your spare time?
Basically, we all studied, we have not finished our respective careers where we are currently ongoing. Apart from that we try to share full between the band and people close to it. We are also trying to register a producer so that we can make our material independently, but that is medium to long term. What ministry
support them?
We have full support of the Christian Missionary Church, which is one of the pioneers in the country in working with urban tribes, other than that, we almost all self-managed.

Finally, thank you for the opportunity and the interview is a pleasure to reach more people through different media, especially those that support this type of move, and enough blood. For people who read us the first time and not knowing they are invited to come to our myspace and listen to our songs, we hope to soon have the material available, we are working hard for it, many greetings to all.