Wednesday, May 18, 2011

William Rogers And Son China

First National Championship of Dominoes Pairs / City of San Carlos / State Cojedes

Dear Friends, Federated Circuit meeting for the year 2011, the Venezuelan Federation of Domino "FVD" scheduled the 2nd. National Championship of Dominoes, Open Category, Modality for Female and Male Couples, day scheduled for Saturday 05/21/1911 in the City of San Carlos Cojedes state, city located in the Venezuelan Central Plains.

I remind you that Domino Associations State Authority in compliance with the new regulation of the Venezuelan Federation of Domino "FVD", adopted in July 2010 in the General Assembly of Delegates forces these associations, to attend only with your "Selecting State Authority in both female and Men", which shall consist of twelve (12) Athletes, respectively, as goes the "Chapter XI Circuit Federated / De Championships and National Tournaments, Article 115 of the Rules of the Venezuelan Federation of Domino "FVD.

Since there is already interest in the associations in the States, because it is the first organizational meeting Pairs as this year, all previous events were under the Individual, it obviously enhances the category Championship as undoubtedly exist in both states whose Couples Men Women seen as a potential much higher than other states, however I think that 100 points will win them any, due Mesh Couples and the Goddess of Fortune which make a difference .

I wish you all without exception the greatest success and I remind Members of the National Team of Venezuela, which continue to be observed by the National Technical Commission on Domino. to the next installment. Famous Matapalo of the Venezuelan Llanos.


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