On Saturday May 14 at 16:30 pm , we will meet in Marta Elena Wash, on Calle La Madrid 678, SM de Tucumán .

The hostess is a character dynamic and enterprising. Ps is icopedagoga , performing both public and private activity, in addition to his nieces have a sewing workshop where he makes clothes for sale.
Marta lives in a large house where he grew his orchids, and then be so many, decided to make a orchid in the back of his house. Are we going to know and see the results of it?.
This workshop The Dr Patricia Black gives us a mini- on "cochineal" this plague that causes us so much harm and it is so difficult to eradicate.

As always workshops are free, you should bring a dish and / or soda, as well as your flowering plants or those that want to check.
look forward to your gracious presence to have fun as usual.
A hug.
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