In these times be a true Christian has become quite ambiguous especially in Christian music this becomes quite apparent as one does not know what else to hear because there are plenty of bands Christian but claim to do things that do not seem very Christian to say.
First, the fact that some Christian bands using poles, patches and pins for me personally secular bands gives a bad message, because doing so hinting that this is something that influences you in some way or cause admiration and that no is good because our only influence must be Jesus.
Secondly, the secular bands doing covers it is quite common these days and although most times the carefully chosen covers are always looking for the letters are positive and not offensive to the gospel, though in some ways is true not me seems correct because if the Holy Spirit is creative, so why should we copy the songs in the world. Apart from that this year two Christian bands made albums with covers secular and paying tribute to his influences as his sole influence should be the Lord, even musically, is more in the case of Ultimatum perhaps cared a little time to choose the songs but Stryper really disappoint us all, ie doing covers of Black Sabbath or Ozzy Ozbourne is totally inappropriate for a Christian band.
Third in these times there have been a considerable amount of groups and many people think they are Christians but the reality is different groups such as Dagon (taking the name of a pagan god), Cage (which generated considerable controversy) or even bands like Adriangale who speak in their parties and love letters, but have a vocalist Jamie Rowe of Guardian or Impellitteri and her album "Pedal to the Metal" which is quite secular lyrically speaking, many thought Megadeth because Dave turned the rest of the band also did But unless there is a song references to God in their lyrics. . And there are many other bands who follow this path causing confusion in people who already know not to listen, even something as simple as listening to music discernment must ask the Lord.

Fourth in this time has become fashionable to not speak directly of Jesus in the letters, many bands are following this path and has even gone so far as to accuse groups like Divinefire corny or HB be bold and say openly in the language in whom you believe. I also remember an interview I did with Antestor and told them to be less direct in their lyrics. It is strange the audacity of the groups in the early 80's where 90% of the bands had letters centered in Jesus you do not see today.

Well after all the above we can only defend the true gospel and not fall into ambiguity, even when listening muisca we must be clever and do not be fooled because, like the church in the world also is infiltrating into the Christian muisca. Let your eyes open, not let down our guard, not fooled and always seek to give glory to God.

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