As seen kerygma kerygma
Well actually emerges as a band this year with the vision to speak of God and make known the Christ in which we
Kerygma comprises: Dani Hung (vocals, rhythm guitar), Jexhua Bandai (lead guitar, vocals) Kaennet "KN" Maita (bass and vocals) and Yorginis Alvarez (percussion)
As was the debut in the Christian metal
Well even though the sound was bad (and that hurts us as a band) we had a good debut and retention of people was really positive was a collective achievement for the band
That church from what ministry support them?:
We come from different churches, Dani Hung (Carapita New Jerusalem Church), Bandai Jexhua (God church at home) Kaennet Maita (Emmanuel Church of the English) Yorginis Alvarez (United Church of Christ) all the churches are located in Caracas and we support the underground movement to restore the rocka
Do you have any recorded material?
We are currently recording what would be our first ep which consists of 8 songs you just have it ready we will deliver
How are Christian metal scene in Venezuela?
Good is a movement that is rising full and it's good to know there are quality bands in Venezuela and that they are Christians as in the case of Messiah, among others
Pantokrator is the purpose of the band
secular getting on stage and send the message of salvation to the world
Who writes the lyrics and underlying
Hung cantate Dani and guitarist for the band and are based on the message just say that God is the way no other and how You can save your soul
That the band plans for the future
Restore all those rock scene in Venezuela, disciple and guide to a perfect communion with God
Final words for the readers of the magazine and fans of the band

Well my friend remember that Christ is life and without it there is nothing we the fans God bless you immensely as well as readers of the magazine special greetings Gregory Santana has not supported full in the events and the good move and enter our portal on facebook there will be videos and what the band has been preparing: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kerygma/141861505850105 God full bless you and continue paying off
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