Nuevamente Tany Diaz nos trae una interesante entrevista esta vez con la banda Siervo de Venezuela.
¿Cómo nace la banda?
El nacimiento de la banda surge con la inquietud del vocal de la banda (Hebert Betancourt) por hacer un cambio positivo a la cultura del metal. Tras varios intentos fallidos por crear una banda, Hebert conoció a Franco Santilli (1ra guitarra) quien ya siendo cristiano desde poco tenia muchas ganas de servir a Dios tomaron la determinación de formar la banda y hacer su primera canción solo en guitarra y voz. Seguidamente, se integra José Jiménez (baterista), ya siendo amigo de ellos. Luego por Franco presento a la banda Luis Lopez (keyboards) to meet others and integrate completed. A few days forming these four, went to his first touch, organized by the Rock of Maturin, 4 October with the help of a guitarist and bassist member of our church. The band continued to grow, Voice of the same members entered the last 2 are extinguishes Campos (2nd guitar) and Jose Cabello (bass). Who
up servant?
are currently: Hebert Betancourt (vocals), Franco Santilli and extinguishes Campos (guitar), Luis Lopez (keyboards), Jose Cabello (bass) and Jose Jimenez (drums).
What are the influences of the band?
Our first and most important inspiration is God! Musically we have personal influences such as Crimson Moonlight, Antestor, Extol, Mourn in Silence, Renascent, Slechtvalk, Shadows of Paragon, Pantokrator and others.
which these influences do versionarían?
For now no release, only their own songs but we're working on it. We plan to do future but no specific. What ministry
support them?
Since our inception we have always had the support of the restoration movement underground La Rocka for all cities in Venezuela.
What has been the acceptance in the secular environment?
in our city and other places we've played, the secular public has supported us and we respected musically. Although many criticize us for our beliefs and way of doing things for God, but not an obstacle to continue work for the Lord.
What aspects of black metal is a servant in your presentations? Well
dark clothes always use when playing, we have influences from garment of black and death metal that we use in some cases. Nor are extremists, say that we focus on the spiritual, but in some ways try to be physically present our gender. Does
church that believes that you are black metallers Christians?
For us and other Christian metal bands is difficult to be accepted in a traditional church. There are some who support and some do not. But we go forward because we know that God put us here to work in this culture.
What bands have shared?
We had the pleasure of sharing with bands like Almagor (Maracaibo), Disorder (Cabimas), Stigma (Maturin), Power of God (Maturin), tribulum (Puerto la Cruz), Divus Kirius (Maracaibo), Proskgod (Caracas ), Messiah (Valencia), Ekklesia (Valencia), Pantokrator (Caracas), Arastral (Valencia), Domatha (Valencia), Nisi (Maturin) and Antidemon (Brazil).
How can I obtain material servant
For www.myspace.com / siervoband can get pictures, videos, the current demo and information of our ministry.
How are Christian metal scene today? Today
and is heard and respected Christian metal world and every day is focusing more and more on the secular metal scene.
What bands can recommend me?
influences us as hard as we like musically Crimson Moonlight, Miseration and Shadows of Paragon, recommend it. For the melodic / symphonic recommend HB, Renascent, Antestor, Mourn in Silence, Exousia, Seveth Angel. There are also others such as As i lay dying, Ivory moon, Theocracy, Royal Anguish.
band's final words
We are grateful for the support of our ministry and firm and forth all the time warring against demonic influences. Thank you also for this opportunity, we are always the order if they want to know more. Our best wishes and may God continue to bless.
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