C on many cold-coffee and sandwiches, we visited the beautiful collection of Guido and Gode in Tafi Viejo, Tucumán.
L is shown photos of the speakers of the event (from left to right): Mr. Peter Boggiatto, Jorge Dominguez and Nicholas Dietrich.
L visited a library is displayed on the floor in a gallery that is continued in a park after the home and built a greenhouse, since the fall of a tree that protected the remaining storeys Orchids grown in the 2 nd floor: a) A terrace facing east where they are located mainly Cymbidium with many cut flower at the time of the workshop
b) In an inner courtyard ( Vandas, Phalaenopsis, Paphiopedilum ) leading to a balcony facing west. I draw attention to some Phalaenopsis in bloom continuously for 4 years.
We could see the plants in this collection and many ornamental plants (especially magnificent ferns), the mild climate of Tafi Viejo, cooler and more humid than that of SM de Tucuman and excellent water quality.
This collection has the only sesquipedale flowering Angraecum regularly in our province, including many valuable specimens that would long to enumerate.
This collection has the only sesquipedale flowering Angraecum regularly in our province, including many valuable specimens that would long to enumerate.
A this post helpful to tell the future activities
Conference Afternoon: Saturday July 3, 2010, in the room "Olga Hynes O'Connor" located at the headquarters of Cultural Ente Tucumán San Martin 3 rd Block, S. M de Tucumán, at 17.00 pm.
July Monthly Workshop, Saturday July 31, 2010, in the "Collection Boggiatto, Jose A. Pje Garcia 882, 1 º-A, SM de Tucumán, at 16.30 pm.
Monthly Workshop August Saturday August 21, 2010, as of Dr. Patricia Ann Black, Valdez Salas Y 672, Yerba Buena, Tucuman, 17hs.
ExpOrquídeas 8 th, from Friday 10 to Sunday 12 September 2010.
A brevity, we will expand these events.
A gendalos and hope you enjoy them.
U n hug.
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