Deliverance guitarist Michael Phillips has left the following message about the separation of these titans of thrash metal.
Greetings to all fans Deliveance ... We have a bittersweet message for you:
After thinking and discussing with Jimmy P. Brown II (Founder of Deliverance) has decided to end and close the door of the band we all love and know as Deliverance. Jimmy feels that this is the perfect time to take a step back and do it before you officially, rather than simply disappear and fade into obscurity. All members of Deliverance have families and work commitments it which makes it difficult to perform concerts and recordings as well as other commitments.
There is peace in our hearts about this decision. There is no bitter disagreement, not a tragic separation or something. We will remain very good friends, maybe we'd like to jump 20 years in time and perhaps this could be different, but ultimately it is what it is. Jimmy
As I mentioned: "Deliverance had its time and it was great and I feel extremely privileged to have been part of these titans of Christian metal." Jimmy I will continue working together on several projects, but the chapter's Deliverance closed and placed in the "Book of purpose."
As I is a bittersweet story, but now is the ideal time for all of us involved.
Godzfest The festival to be held on August 22 in Florida will be our final concert. The good thing is that we have something special for all who attend.
The formation of the band for this concert will be: Jimmy P.
Brown II - vox / guitar
Michael Phillips - lead & rhythm guitar / backing vox
George Ochoa - lead & rhythm guitar / backing vox
Jim Chaffin - Drums Tim
Kronyak - bass
This will mark the meeting Jimmy and George they will be together on stage for a concert after a long time Deliverance.
We are very excited about this final concert and we hope many of you will join us for this tremendous event that will make history in Christian music.
Much love from Deliverance
Michael Phillips Luke 18:13