Here we let an interesting interview with the band Narnia, where the guitarist talks about the possible separation of the band.
"Carl, you needed a certain period to make this record, or because it was that the fans had to wait three years him?
Things moved slowly after the release of "Enter the Gates." As some of you know our singer Christian Liljegren after this work had no energy. In the middle of recording our latest album had left us to find a new vocalist and incorporate it took us time.
Does the title of the new album some meaning behind it?
now reflects modern society, like many of our letters from previous years. The album's title reflects our journey and as the cover disc somewhat disconcerting, this refers to the many options different that we must do in life. Our children always have to make decisions for many things, this parce me stressful and confusing.
You broke with the classic cover art of the Lion of Judah, what purpose was it?
We wanted to move a little fantasy side of things. It was time to make our music ceases to be tied this art. The neo-classical version of our music could be best expressed with old paintings.
"Decade of Confession" compilation album of 2007 was a double album, how does the work?
The material released was enough for this record and we had think that placing songs, the album also contains obscure and unreleased songs.
mentioned above about the departure of Cristobal, is there anything else you want to share about it?
There were too many things that had to fight. This was true in his career and in his private life. Had to get out of this situation. I know that change will surprise many, but he was careless and left us much choice but to let go.
Can you tell me more about the new vocalist? German
raised in Brazil and played in several bands, ended a few years ago the work was done with the people who were homeless in Stockholm. Then return to music, you hear that we were looking for a vocalist and made contact with our bass player, both known for a long time and hearing the surprised and ended up in the band.
What is the difference between them?
When Germanus was expressed musically, there is nothing negative, he has great talent and uses his skills at a high level, I like the ring a little bluesy. Christian will be difficult to replace in vivo as well we complemented each other and take time to do it with Germain.
What message does this album lyrically?
Varies the song, but as I talk a lot about the society from the standpoint of a Christian.
What does the future hold?
is probably the first time I speak in public about this, you know I have mixed feelings because this is perhaps the last interview after fourteen years as a guitarist of Narnia. An era comes to an end and it is time for others to extend the rod, qusiera therefore take this opportunity to thank all our fans and friends who have been with us so far. May God protect you.