Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How Do Get Bangbros For F

Plan for the weekend

    • Friday There will be a dinner for more "early birds". Contact Carmen Stack for details (lessa.scf [at]
    • Saturday There will be food for the early risers. Contact, again, with Carmen Stack for details (lessa.scf [at] 19:30
    • Coven Presentation at the Library Gil de la plaza de Pombo. 20:30
    • Copeo in Canela, located in the Plaza de Cañadio.
    • 21:45 Arrival in association collecting books for the draw, taking positions on the tables. 22:00
    • Home Dinner.
      Sunday 14:30
    • Cooked Leon Montanes in the inn. To estimate number, write an email to Carmen Battery (lessa.scf [at]
Here is a guide by Ignacio Illarregui in Google Maps: Map

of different events in Google Maps.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Difference Between Flip Ultra And Micro


Emori M A NNUAL 2010
With joy and feeling of the work done, we made this Annual Report. The

monthly workshops were followed by the Orchid Group members, which together provided free to make them unique to the country level. This year will include mini-lectures of 10-15 minutes each, given by members of the group, giving a sense of participation and effective teaching-learning process. Assistance of stakeholders was good. Flowering plants and the sale were always present, thus preserving its features workshops and shows fair.
To see any of them, go to: , photo-comments-workshop-mayo.html , , http://orquideofilos-del- , noviembre.html
SAMPLES OF ORCHIDS. We conducted this fall shows in the Shopping Solar Hill, Yerba Buena, with free admission. Orchid were two guests who have joined us since our inception, SYM Orchids (Corrientes) and Orchid Garden (Buenos Aires). It was a success, as we visit public and internalizes casual in this hobby.
award-winning plants were chosen by lot from the public, to which the grant Shopping varied and important awards (purchase orders, gifts, movie tickets, dinner ...) to the fourth most votes.
Ricardo Porta gave a magnificent speech on "Orchids for Beginners" in one of the cinemas of Shopping, above.
See: Simultaneously

II took place on SYMPOSIUM on "Substrates for Orchids" given by Mr. Henry Günther (Buenos Aires), which revolutionized us with their concepts.
Both shows, as the Symposium were held in the House of Culture of the Municipality of that city, located in the heart of the Hill Solara.
The Second Exhibition and Symposium II, are the first activities we do in the city of Yerba Buena, from which they originated many of the members of our group.

8 º ExpOrquídeas , was successful in establishing new records: plans submitted, number of visitors, importance of the donation made by the Hospital del Niño Jesús (2.200paquetes disposable diapers).
8 lectures were issued during the three days of it, attending many stakeholders.
We must emphasize the amount of advertising done (which was obtained mostly by donation), especially the one made on-air television channels and on the bulletin board of the public highway (the estimated value of it was of $ 60,000).
is worth mentioning the prizes to the award-winning plants, which were worth about $ 6,000, consisting mainly of books on orchids, which were imported for this purpose. It was decreed
Interest: Provincial Cultural, Tourism, Provincial Legislature by relevant institutions, and municipalities of Interest: SM de Tucumán, Yerba Buena, San Isidro de Lules. Even in an incomplete report may appreciate the following links: , do
AFTERNOON CONFERENCE , as we have done since 2009, were repeated in the room Haynes O Conor, the Cultural Ente Tucumán, two lectures by our members the 8 th ExpOrquídeas, this was "Water Quality for orchids" given by Mr. Gabriel Vellice and "Oncidium Genero" by Dr. Godelive Moykens.
At the end of the same were served a complimentary snack bar.
This is how we build without realizing a significant technical staff, within the ORQUIDIÓFILOS of Tucuman. View:

SYMPOSIUM, given the success of II Symposium, is that we do this III Symposium at the Hotel GardenPark, including foreign participants attending.
The topics were: Induction of Flowering and Fertilization , which were held for two days and back in charge of Mr. Henry Günther. Adhere
was implemented a scoring system for Orchid ASSESSMENT within our partners. considering the two times in the year that was evaluated (8 º ExpOrquídeas and Sample III) The five best orchid in 2010 were: Patricia Black and "Collection Boggiatto" tied with 150ptos. Ricardo Porta: 133 ptos.Gustavo Scrochi: 121 pts, Salim Emilia 102ptos Caram. View:

No less important is the creation of our new BLOG, where you can see invitations , photos and reviews of all activities in 2010, through 22 entries from March this year.
We invite you to visit, place it between your favorite sites and get as a follower of it, on the following link:
The largest social event was our Annual Dinner Year , which performed in the Tucumán Lawn Tennis Club and was a nice show and lots of gifts.
To crown the achievements of this year, we started the organization of our 9 ExpOrquídeas , which will be held from Friday 12 to Sunday August 14, 2011, nothing less and nothing more than the Cultural Center Flavio Eugenio Virla, the UNT in its three classrooms and an auditorium. They are all pleasantly

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Cookie Mix In A Bottle

Chronicle of a Burning Needed

few weeks ago at the home of some very special friends took out an event we were planning for some time and then finally some coordination could be carried out is a burning, but not any fire.

burn It was those things that even we had saved, but as Christians no longer we ought to conserve more, that day burned several secular groups vinyl, books, CDs and cassettes of bands from genres that had nothing to do with the metal but we should not have in our possession.

We even burn discs that some Christians call, but they were really vague and do not speak out about their faith, so we decided to burn them and thus remove any ambiguity in our lives.

And although we were only four people, we hope that future opportunities to do the same there is a lot more people who decide to renounce the world and thus be able to give God all the glory even something that seems to have no important as the music.

God is a holy God wants us to live in Holiness.

Well as they say pictures are worth a thousand words, here we give them pictures of this event, enjoy them.

Emerald Green Tree Boa Baby For Sale

Top 100 albums according to the magazine Metal Metal

Heavens Metal magazine in its latest issue published a list containing the 100 best metal albums of all time, it is worth noting here that there are multiple disks and Metalcore Rapcore that have infiltrated not know why in the count. Here we leave the list. Of course we do not agree with some of the choices in this count.

1. Vengeance Rising- Human Sacrifice
2. Tourniquet- Psycho Surgery
3. Deliverance- Deliverance
4. Whitecross- Whitecross
5. Extol- Undeceived
6. Stryper- To Hell with the Devil
7. Saccred Warrior- Obssesions
8. Bloodgood- Detonation
9. Bride- Snakes in the Playground
10. Believer- Sanity Obscure
11. Barren Cross- Atomic Arena
12. Galactic Cowboys- Galactic Cowboys
13. Extol- Burial
14. Impellitteri- Screaming Shimpony
15. Holy Soldier- Holy Soldier
16. Theocracy- Mirrors of Souls
17. Mortification- Scrolls of Megilloth
18. Pod- Satellite
19. Demon Hunter- Summer of Darkness
20. Precious Death- Southpaw
21. Rob Rock- Holy Hell
22. Kings X- Out of the Silent Planet
23. Tourniquet- Pathogenic Ocular Disonance
24. Stryper- Against the Law
25. Living Sacrifice- Reborn
26. As I Lay Dying- An Ocean Between Us
27. The Crucified- The Pillars of Humanity
28. Guardian- Fire and Love
29. Zao- When Blood and Fire Bring the Rest
30. Becoming Archetype- Dichotomy
31. Marlene and the Sons of Disasters- III
32. Galactic Cowboys- Space in your Face
33. Believer- Extraction from Morality
34. X Sinners- Get It
35. Project 86- Drawing Back Lines
36. Rage of Angels- Rage of Angels
37. BrainChild- Mindwap
38. Veni Domine- Fall Babylon
39. Sacred Warrior-Rebellion
40. Antestor- The Return of Black Death
41. Balance of Power- Perfect Balance
42. Paramecium- Exhumed of The Earth
43. Horde- Hellig Usvart
44. Zion- Trillseeker
45. Vengeance Rising- Once Dead
46. Saint- Hell Blade
47. Jhosua- Intense Defense
48. Stryper- Soldiers Under Command
49. Divinefire- Into a New Dimenssion
50. The Showdown- Back Braker
51. Seventh Angel –The Torment
52. Crimson Moonlight- The Covenant Progress
53. Recon- Behind Enemy Lines
54. Inmortal Souls- Winterech
55. Angelica- Angelica
56. Symphaty- Anagogic Tyranny
57. Undercover- Balance of Power
58. Deliverance- Learn
59. Kekal- The Painfull Experience
60. Slechtvalk- At Dawn of War
61. Magdallan- Big Bang
62. Narnia- Curse of a Generation
63. Alice Cooper- Brutal Planet
64. Jerusalem- Warrior
65. Leviticus- Setting Fire to the Earth
66. Demon Hunter- Storm the Gates of Hell
67. Jet Circus- Step on It
68. Saint- Times End
69. Pod- The Fundamental Elements of Southtown
70. Mortification- Post Momentary Affliction
71. Cage- Hell Destroyer
72. Saviour Machine- Saviour Machine
73. Living Sacrifice- Conceived in Fire
74. Aletheian- Dying Vine
75. Impelliteri- Answer to the Master
76. Barren Cross- State of Control
77. As I Lay Dying- Frail Words Collapse
78. Harmony- Chapter II: Aftermath
79. A Hill Die Upon- Infinitive Titanic Inmortal
80. Theocracy- Theocracy
81. Lovewar- Soak your Brain
82. Darkwater- Calling the Earth to Witness
83. Embodyment- Embrace the Eternal
84. Neal Morse- Sola Scriptura
85. Virgin Black- Elegant and Dying
86. August Burn Red- Messengers
87. Nodes of Ravier Nodes of Ravier
88. Holy Blodd- Waves are Dancing
89. A Plea for Purging- Depravity
90. Fourth State- Finesse and Fury
91. Grave Robber- Be Afraid
92. Disciple- Disciple
93. Oh Sleeper- Song of the Morning
94. King James- The Fall
95. The Brave- Battle Cries
96. The Devil Wears Prada- With Roots Above and Branches Below
97. Atomic Opera- For Madmen Only
98. Underoath- Cries
from the Past 99. Flyleaf-Flyleaf
100. Rez-Silent Scream

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Are Female Speed Skaters Wearing Underwear?

Cultural event additional Rules for trading

The editor of "Page Break" Agüero Pablo Mazo, presented in the book Santander 'Coven. Anthology of contemporary English horror tale " an unsettling collection of literary chills. To do this will be attended by one of its authors, the Spaniard Marc R. Soto.

The anthology collects stories of Alfredo Alamo, Juan Ramón de Viedma, Emilio Bueso, Matthias Candeira, Eximeno Santiago, Cristina Fernandez Cubas, David Jasso, José María Latorre, Alberto Lopez Aroca, Lorenzo Luengo, Ismael Martínez Biurrun, Angel Olgoso, Felix J . Palma, Pilar Pedraza, Juan Jose Plans, Miguel Puente, Marc R. Soto, Norberto Luis Romero, Care Santos, José Carlos Somoza, José María Tamparillas, David Torres, José Miguel Vilar-Bou and Marian Womack. An impressive list of authors for a book must, without doubt, will delight readers intelligent horror fans.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Spectrobes Beyond The Portals Card Input Chart

The Heavens ambiguity takes over the interview

In these times be a true Christian has become quite ambiguous especially in Christian music this becomes quite apparent as one does not know what else to hear because there are plenty of bands Christian but claim to do things that do not seem very Christian to say.

First, the fact that some Christian bands using poles, patches and pins for me personally secular bands gives a bad message, because doing so hinting that this is something that influences you in some way or cause admiration and that no is good because our only influence must be Jesus.

Secondly, the secular bands doing covers it is quite common these days and although most times the carefully chosen covers are always looking for the letters are positive and not offensive to the gospel, though in some ways is true not me seems correct because if the Holy Spirit is creative, so why should we copy the songs in the world. Apart from that this year two Christian bands made albums with covers secular and paying tribute to his influences as his sole influence should be the Lord, even musically, is more in the case of Ultimatum perhaps cared a little time to choose the songs but Stryper really disappoint us all, ie doing covers of Black Sabbath or Ozzy Ozbourne is totally inappropriate for a Christian band.

Third in these times there have been a considerable amount of groups and many people think they are Christians but the reality is different groups such as Dagon (taking the name of a pagan god), Cage (which generated considerable controversy) or even bands like Adriangale who speak in their parties and love letters, but have a vocalist Jamie Rowe of Guardian or Impellitteri and her album "Pedal to the Metal" which is quite secular lyrically speaking, many thought Megadeth because Dave turned the rest of the band also did But unless there is a song references to God in their lyrics. . And there are many other bands who follow this path causing confusion in people who already know not to listen, even something as simple as listening to music discernment must ask the Lord.

Fourth in this time has become fashionable to not speak directly of Jesus in the letters, many bands are following this path and has even gone so far as to accuse groups like Divinefire corny or HB be bold and say openly in the language in whom you believe. I also remember an interview I did with Antestor and told them to be less direct in their lyrics. It is strange the audacity of the groups in the early 80's where 90% of the bands had letters centered in Jesus you do not see today.

Well after all the above we can only defend the true gospel and not fall into ambiguity, even when listening muisca we must be clever and do not be fooled because, like the church in the world also is infiltrating into the Christian muisca. Let your eyes open, not let down our guard, not fooled and always seek to give glory to God.

Sore Nipples For A Week

Ekklesia Music

Tany Diaz again giving us its very well-crafted interviews, this time with the group Ekklesia

Ekklesia As a
is formed from another band called ars structoria which is a college band, the band split up and were 3 of us with the view to uplifting metal
That has a name meaning
The name means church, and that each one of us (all people) are temples of the Holy Spirit dwelling
Q HO the band
Battery; Victor Valera, Bass and vocals, Felix Perez and lead vocals and guitar, Gustavo Gonzalez
What is the proposal on Ekklesia Carry
scene all over the salvation message of Jesus Christ, and our own life experiences, and a further contribution to the metal scene in Venezuela.
theme in that the lyrics are
The main theme is God and as I said before bringing a message of salvation and awareness to young people, deal with social issues viewed from a Christian perspective.
Which bands influence them
bands like Mortification, Pantera, Slayer, tourniquet, Decapitated and mainly Antidemon
Some ministry or record label supports
For even recordings that have not done that, we are independent, as refers to events and presentations have Rocka support of motion.
As they have been received in the Christian scene and unchristian
In the two scenes we had a good response secular events invite us to play and we had no rudeness or problems regarding our message and hope to remain so
that was due to cancellation in the event "Mettalica Christ"
Our drummer is going through a difficult family situation, his father is ill and was not in the provision of playing for the concern and decided to cancel the submission by the reason.
have recorded material as you can get
We have not recorded nothing only have 3 songs and we're writing 2 more to record a demo, and it is in the pipeline, facebook are pending news of the band.
final message to fans and readers of blood sufficient
Stay strong in the rock that is Jesus Christ, more brutal than that nothing, and God keep you. Thanks for your support!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Real Life Adjacent Angles


Two weeks for dinner, we make public the rules for exchanging books. They are:
  1. who wants to participate must bring at least one book, unwrapped and signed, so it can then spend, if desired, to the graceful person.
  2. book Requirements: For the thing is more or less equally and avoid frustration, it must be a book published during the past year, from 12 and 21 euros (for guidance).
    This means that Christmas dinner is a chance to shake off the billet infumable you were going to throw the recycle bin, and take step to change a good book by the nose. No aggravation. If someone tries something, have bad karma for the entire 2011, suspend or exams will fare badly in the gigs, if you have a partner, this will put the horns, if not, you will bind not, and will also come a long rash itchy private parts. You are warned.
  3. appropriate that the book is fantasy, science fiction or horror. Never have it stick to other genres, but if you take a chance with an original touch, more 'd better bring a very good book, here we mainly like what we like. Avoiding problems
  4. (pay attention, please always creates trouble this year):
    • If someone has several books inseparable (for example, the three parts of a trilogy) with the intention that the winner takes the three of them, please hold that well. A pair of rubber, a cord of esparto, a ribbon with bow ... whatever makes the workaround. In the stack the books are disordered, that is as sure as death and taxes, and then we end up with a deal to pieces or having to stop the draw while looking at the stack the rest of the lot.
    • your thing when you arrive. There is always someone who comes in, throws the book in the pile and gets to greet the staff, and then you have to tread it chasing or (if no one notices), is the "hey, I brought the book and I have not gone '. Take the little trouble to assure you that if you bring your name will book bag drawing.
  5. The random draw will be made following the procedure last year. A local entry is given a card to each participant with the cover of a classic science fiction, for the same card (but larger) to be in possession of the dealer. Once "shuffled" these, there will be delivering the books go by out of La Pila, where he also mixed up the books in order of position in the "deck" of the dealer.

Gorinkai thank for allowing us to copy your rules with such joy.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Prelude To Tokugawa Online


The "ORQUIDIÓFILOS of Tucuman, we have much to celebrate this past year and expect with good crop and lots of flowers in 2011.
The traditional CEAN OF YEAR, will Show , Jaque Disk , many Gifts , will dance and as usual a very good mood.

This food is our greatest social event, part of our activities and it will read our Annual Report.

be held on Saturday December 11, 2010, at 22hs in the "Tucumán Lawn Tennis Club Park July 9, San Miguel de Tucumán.

The cost is $ 90 per person which includes dinner: pancakes with vegetables, chicken stuffed with creamed potatoes, dessert and glass of champagne (for the special menu will be vegetarian) with free soft drink (water, soda and soda), the right to show .......
Please purchase your card as soon as possible, which will help to better organization. You can do this:
  • Pedro de Villalba 384, YB, Aida Schaefer, Tel 4350054.
  • Mate de Luna 3864, SM de Tucumán, Angela Lorenz.
  • REMOAR in: Equi. Dolls and San Juan (Mirian-charge) SM de Tucumán, Av or Aconquija 1570, YB (Belen-Manager)

Also if your caught, donate a gift plant, gift ....... . which attendees will be drawn to comunicate it to: 0381-156447264 or

Luce as far as possible, an orchid in your hair or clothing.

We show photos of previous dinners.

not afraid to go, but you go alone, or do not know anyone.

hope you do not miss it.

A hug.

Monday, November 8, 2010

No Sew Fleece Scarf Ties All The Length Of Scarf

We turn no-Sanctuary

is very common today in Christian rock music scene, bands that are interested almost only promote their music, CD or tour. Maybe loose around a Christ loves you, or a Bible verse and forget the most important thing is to preach the word of God and gospel of repentance. It is also common to see bands that play only if you give a good gift or for the "mobility." biblically
To begin there is no "music ministry to evangelize" the Bible only talks about music for worship,
1Cr 15:16 And David spake to the chief of the Levites to appoint singers among his brethren, with instruments, with lyres, harps and cymbals, to get them to resonate with joy. 1Cr 15:22
Chenaniah, chief of the Levites in the, was put to lead the singing, because I was skilful.
1Cr 16:42 And with them Heman and Jeduthun, they had trumpets, cymbals and other musical instruments to accompany singing to God. Jeduthun children were porters.
1Cr 25:6 They were all under the direction of his father's in the house of the LORD, with cymbals, harps and harps, for the ministry of God's temple. Asaph, and Heman Jeduthun by order of the king. 2Cr 5:13
sounded, then the trumpets and sang together, praising and thanking the Lord. It happened that while they raised their voices to the sound of trumpets, cymbals and other musical instruments, and praised the Lord saying, "Because he's good, because his mercy endureth for ever", a cloud filled the house , the Lord's house.
2Cr 7:6 The priests exercise their ministry, while the Levites praised the Lord with instruments that King David had made to accompany the singing of the Lord, "for his mercy endureth for ever", singing the songs composed by David. The priests blew the trumpets before them, and all Israel was still standing. Psalm 150:1
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty firmament.

Jesus when he communicated the gospel to the multitudes singing ever did, he gave the word and that word of the Holy Spirit was the conviction of sin.

direct Word like John the Baptist:
Matthew 3:2 and saying, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand ', or the same

Matthew 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, saying: "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!".

Today we are moving ever further away from the true gospel and we are taking strategies using music, theater, video, etc. with emphasis on personal motivation and the exaltation of the ego and not in the scriptures. Jesus never used the only strategy was the word, telling the truth "people need to repent and turn to God"

Every time I talk with the bands before beginning a concert I say this and say them again again and again: "The music does not save people from hell. The music does not change lives. The music does not produce repentance but the word is exposed and the conviction of sin is given by the Holy Spirit, not the guitar strings. "Thinking that a lot of iron onto the stage singing songs, ready their equipment and go home or to another concert served God and preaching the gospel, when they did was nothing.
Imagine that a relative is terminally ill and after long hours of waiting out the doctor who treats ready to give you the news directly, serious and bluntly, the physician's role is to tell the truth about the patient's situation, he never would use strategies, nor would he use an orchestra or a drum or a touchingly celestial music to tell you what I have to say, you just transmit the truth, I have only
tell the truth of the gospel to people, what they need to know and do.
When we face in the crowd the concert, I make sure that everyone knows that music is just an excuse to talk about the Gospel, (it should not be hard to deal with a musician unless this is not really Christian and understand the purpose you have). Art in general is a to draw attention, if we catch people in a local sense, since then we take the opportunity to break the news. If we do not and we give more importance to everything else and not the Word, we end up deviating from the true gospel and its real meaning. Do not fill our churches filled with people so emotional or promises of success and prosperity "accept Christ" most of these people coming through the arts and human strategies and not by the preaching of the Word and action supernatural Holy Spirit, or end up going very soon vanish from the map. Much eye. Willy X Dagger

Sunday, November 7, 2010

How Much Does Rip Hamilton Face Mask Cost

Photos - Feedback - Workshop of November.

conducted our last technical activity with a nice workshop in Alice Acianri Lujan (YB).

In the same Aida Schaefer, told us about the history of orchid cultivation, who also surprised us with a spectacular Miltonia flavecens . No less striking were the Pahiopedilum that led Patricia Black.

We saw the successes of the hostess with the winners in our ExpOrquídeas Cattleyas, which are grown on tree trunks or baskets in a greenhouse where the humidity is careful and low winter temperatures by a salamander ..... ..

obesevamos its mistakes and Cymbidium Dendrobium Nobile type, which when cultivated inside the greenhouse, do not flourish, because as foreign plants lacking cold and sun direct. A juvenile connotation

they put a group of university students in biology, which was attended by Luis Lobo ivite.

See you in the traditional dinner-show New Year's Eve, Saturday December 11, 2010, in Tucumán Lawn Tennis Club, on which more information will soon.

A hug.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Error E20 Washing Machine

dinner menu the smooth

then offer you the menu, priced at 36 euros.






WINE (Azabache Crianza), WATER, BEER, HOME, bread, coffee

If anyone has any problem with any of the dishes (people with lactose intolerance, for example), please get in contact with the organizers to propose alternatives. Carmen

Battery: lessa.scf [at]
Ignacio Illarregui: nachoillarregui [at]

Wella Koleston Color Charts

Venue of the Annual Dinner Dinner

As in the past two years, the annual dinner of 2010 will be the smooth place in the restaurant "La Union", known to many Santander as "local Commissions ", a large, centrally located space in the basement of the headquarters of CC.OO. Santander (C / Santa Clara, 3). We

the site to ourselves and we stay until the wee hours of the morning, chatting, having some drinks, dancing and playing without the inconvenience of bad weather and having to find where to go, with the advantage of being able to equip our local taste. A luxury!

Were To Find A Rainbow Ppenguin 2010

the terse, 18-XII-2010


This year, the circle Fantasy Santander, Tersa, held its traditional Christmas dinner on December 18 , Saturday. After the good memories of repeat last two years in the same room, a restaurant that we own and where we can stay up past four in the morning having some drinks and playing (guitar heros prepare your, open your minds to the best board games trained to succeed at Texas Hold'em ...), avoiding the traditional weather dates.

In our group email will start a thread where you can FREE list. If you are not in this group, please send an email to Carmen Battery (lessa.scf [at] or Ignacio Illarregui (nachoillarregui [at]

For organizational reasons and uniforms, the term to sign up for the dinner will close on Friday 10 December .

We attended several tips that we have done and we have confirmed the following menu, which costs 36 euros.


Sausage Shrimp croquettes cooked

Grilled Sirloin
DESSERT: Cheeseboard

Wine: Water Jet
parenting, Bread, Homemade, Beer Café

If anyone has any problem with any of the dishes (eg people with lactose intolerance), please get in contact the organizers to propose alternatives. The same if you have any suggestions to make.

will post further details (time, change the rules of the exchange of books ...). For more information, please see this blog and the Facebook event .

Greetings to all. I hope. Nacho

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Cherry Eye In Dachshunds

III Symposium - Photos - Comments. Monthly Scrub

was successfully developed the III Symposium, 30 and 31 October 2010, at Hotel GardenPark, SM of Tucumán, in his two songs "fertilization" and "Induction of Flowering," by Mr. Henry Günther.

The turnout of interested parties was important, giving a touch of exoticism, Su-En, Cha-En Wang and Marina Valdes, all of the Orchid "Brother Wang" Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, who traveled specially to attend the Symposium and returned pleasantly surprised. Were also members of the "Orquidiófilos of Tucumán city Monteros, Tucumán.
The Agronomist. Henry Günther surprise addition to knowledge, entertained us with their monigoterias, making entertaining the apreaprendizaje.
In between was served a generous coffee-break.
diplomas were given assistance and educational materials.

The Hotel under GardenPark, the comforts of living, the power-point presentation, aided by a flip chart, but especially for the knowledge imparted, Acquire, will make the III Symposium event, which will endure in our memories.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Barbara Weber, Artist, Spanish


Once again we will meet on a monthly workshop, which are free and invited all interested persons orchids, whether or not the group.

As far as possible tries to lead a gas and / or plate.

As much as you do not know anyone, I hope, you will be well received.

Bring your blooming plants to share with others and those on which you want to query.

We will meet in Alice Acinari Lujan, Santa Domingo Street in 1022, Yerba Buena. The Santo Domingo is the 6 th parallel north of Av Aconquija at the same height.

To go by bus you take 100 and stop in Peru to 1,000 street. If you bend you drive north from Avenue Aconquija by Calle Las Rosas and Juan B. Teran, to Calle Santo Domingo.

The workshop will be on Saturday November 6, 2010, at 17.30 pm. Since this is the last activity, which will follow the New Year's Eve Dinner. Alicia

although not regularly attends our monthly activities, but their attendance is perfect to ExpOrquídeas, and achievements in them are not few nor isolated.

His collection is not large, but the plants of exceptional quality, worthy recipient of the awards they get in our ExpOrquideas. For example, last won the 1st Prize in Category Cattleya (see photo) and another the Merit to Culture .........

Alicia, hope you enjoy your collection and to show us "your secrets." Aida

Schaefer, tell us in a brief chat recently what she read about the history of Orchids.

The hope, especially newcomers, are all welcome.

A hug.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Feeling Like Throat Is Blocked


On my knees I cry
You my God, my King
I'm surrounded by oppression
But you're my reality
Hear my prayer and rescue me
Send your light and let me live
Lord God you are my reality

live outside of your presence

death I'd rather live in your sanctuary
Until my dying day

This world is on the brink of destruction
His columns are crumbling

Everything will be shaken will be shaken until nothing remains
You think you've found your Worse
refuge no place to hide
Only in Him we can find refuge only to Him we
will hold it

The Lords my shepherd and I know his voice
rest beside the still waters
restores my soul My life is in Him, in Him I live and breathe
know nothing more except that it is my reality

The alpha and Omega, the beginning and end
You are the sum of all things, let your glory come down now
Only you are worthy because you triumphed
Every knee will bow before you, you are the Son who rose from the dead.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Were Can You Throw Away Dog Poop

Interview with Venezuelan band Kerygma

As seen kerygma kerygma
Well actually emerges as a band this year with the vision to speak of God and make known the Christ in which we
Kerygma comprises: Dani Hung (vocals, rhythm guitar), Jexhua Bandai (lead guitar, vocals) Kaennet "KN" Maita (bass and vocals) and Yorginis Alvarez (percussion)
As was the debut in the Christian metal
Well even though the sound was bad (and that hurts us as a band) we had a good debut and retention of people was really positive was a collective achievement for the band
That church from what ministry support them?:
We come from different churches, Dani Hung (Carapita New Jerusalem Church), Bandai Jexhua (God church at home) Kaennet Maita (Emmanuel Church of the English) Yorginis Alvarez (United Church of Christ) all the churches are located in Caracas and we support the underground movement to restore the rocka
Do you have any recorded material?
We are currently recording what would be our first ep which consists of 8 songs you just have it ready we will deliver
How are Christian metal scene in Venezuela?
Good is a movement that is rising full and it's good to know there are quality bands in Venezuela and that they are Christians as in the case of Messiah, among others
Pantokrator is the purpose of the band
secular getting on stage and send the message of salvation to the world
Who writes the lyrics and underlying
Hung cantate Dani and guitarist for the band and are based on the message just say that God is the way no other and how You can save your soul
That the band plans for the future
Restore all those rock scene in Venezuela, disciple and guide to a perfect communion with God
Final words for the readers of the magazine and fans of the band

Well my friend remember that Christ is life and without it there is nothing we the fans God bless you immensely as well as readers of the magazine special greetings Gregory Santana has not supported full in the events and the good move and enter our portal on facebook there will be videos and what the band has been preparing: God full bless you and continue paying off

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Homemade Pontune River Raft

III Symposium in November.

D fter the successful Second Symposium on "substrate", by Mr. Henry Günther, the Solar del Cerro Shopping last May of this year, after which we were deeply revolutionized by its concepts, We offer great expetativa this Symposium III, with two areas of great interest in modern Orchid.

L you develop issues are:

  • Fertilization of Orchids. Preparation of fertilizer and use of commercial. Saturday October 30, 1916 to 20, 30HS. With coffee break in between.

  • induction of flowering. why no flowers or orchids? Induction of the major genres. Sunday 31 October 9-13 pm. Intermediate coffee break.

Lecturer Eng. Henry Günther . See vitae: .....................................

Place, Garden Park Hotel, Salon "The Tarcos" Av Soldati 330, SM de Tucumán.

Coordinator : María Cecilia Brito, address part. Bulnes 70, SM de Tucumán, tel. part. 4330696, cel. 154720498. E-mail: . Comunicarce apparently preferred by mail.

S and deliver certificate of attendance.

L to enrollment will be limited, so inscribirce recommend as soon as possible, only with the coodinator of the Symposium, for which 50% must abonarce Tariff (will not be refundable) .

E e hope to have your gracious presence.